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Creative Worship

Writer's picture: AnnetteAnnette

When I was 8 or 9 years old, I went to my very first and last Yankee game. I am not an avid sports fan. However, it was an amazing experience. Watching the game, eating ballpark food, and screaming till my lungs gave out. I loved watching the people root for their team. People had their faces painted the Yankees colors, wearing the jerseys. It was like they worshiped their team. They worshiped the players and even the game.

Webster Dictionary defines worship as “to honor or show reverence for as a divine being or supernatural power.” The other definition I got was to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion. So we are giving honor to whatever or whoever we idolize the most.

Isaiah 43:7 states, “Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory;

I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” Isaiah 43:7. So we are mere mortals; we were created to worship the Lord.

Now I once questioned why do we need to worship an Almighty God. Isn’t He selfish? A few hours later, I got my answer, and it was because He was selfless. God was selfless with His love. He gave His Son Jesus for our flaws. He allowed Jesus to be crucified for us. He loved us and still does.

All around us, nature is worshiping God. In Psalms 96:11-12, the psalmist says, “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; Let the sea roar, and [a]all its fullness; Let the field be joyful, and all that is in it.

Then all the trees of the woods will rejoice.” The oceans bow before him when a wave forms. The mountains stand tall and mighty for God’s name. The flowers show their beauty for their creator. The thunder and lighting make noises for Him. The Bible talks about how the rocks will cry out if people are silent - Luke 14:40. In my opinion, if the rocks cry out, it will be a very sobering but scary day.

God loves to hear the songs of His people. Worship also isn't just about music and making a vocal expression to him. Worship is giving God the talents and gifts that He has given you for His glory. So if God gives you the talent to paint, then worship Him with your pictures. If it's baking, worship Him with your baked goods by giving them away. Whatever your gifts and talents that God has given you, let Him lead you so that you can give Him the glory for all that He has done in your life.

Worship the Lord God, the one who gave you life. Worship Him with your gifts and talents. Worship Him with joy and gladness. Just worship Him because He alone deserves the glory.



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