The One that See
Updated: Mar 23, 2020
Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for she said, “Have I also here seen Him who sees me?” - Genesis 16:13
Have you ever felt so alone? So abandoned? Like the whole world felt like it turned against you? You felt so despised by the world. You felt like a shadow of yourself. Your tempted to give it all up. That there is nothing in this world to live for anymore. Nothing in this world that can satisfy that dull ache and sorrow, that you have been carrying around, that seemed like an eternity.
But God says, I see you, my precious. I have always been there. You may have not felt me or sensed my presence, but I am there. You just have to look around and see my fingerprints all around you. I am in the sun, breaking forth to see the new day. I am in the songs of the birds, singing a new song. I am in the thunder and lightning during a rainstorm. Don't you see child? I am all around.
Hagar, a maid servant, was from an Egyptian household, serving a Jewish couple by the name of Abram and Sarai, or better known as Abraham and Sarah. She was far from her family but was making a living. Her life turned a unexpected turn when Sarai gave Hagar to be intimate with Abram. You see, Abram was a promised a child by God. Sarai couldn't fathom having a child at their age of close to 100. So Sarai thought, she knew best and gave Hagar to Abram. When Sarai, learned that Hagar was with a child, Sarai wasn't pleased. The book of Genesis talks about how Sarai made things really uncomfortable for Hagar, so Hagar fled when she could.
Alone and pregnant in the wilderness, Hagar was truly scared, because she didn't know what to do. But then the Lord found her, right where she was at. He found her when she was at a low point of her life. God stepped in and told her everything will be alright, He told her, her unborn son will the forefather of a nation. A promise that still holds today. Hagar believed what the Lord had said. She believed that the Lord stepped in and saved her and her son. Hagar named the Lord, You-Are-The-One-Who-Sees. Hagar realized that God saw her when no one else saw her. He took the time, to mold her heart back into shape.
Wherever you are in life, whatever you have dealt with in your past, know that God sees you. He id dealing with your life, giving you promises, to help you remember that God is for you and not against you. He sees you, with all the shattered pieces of your life. He is putting them together, one by one. You just have to let him. God has a plan and purpose for you, things are going to be ok, just trust in the God that sees you in the dark.
